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Information Sheet


You are being invited to take part in a survey that is looking at the indirect effect of Covid-19 on in-patient care for small babies, with a particular focus on the provision of Kangaroo Mother Care.


What is the project’s purpose?

The Covid-19 pandemic has created a dilemma for health care providers as well as mothers, regarding the use practices that involve prolonged close contact between mother and baby such as Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC). Although WHO recommends no separation of Covid-19 positive mothers from their newborn and continuing skin-to skin contact and breastfeeding, there are no specific guidelines on KMC for low birthweight babies.

The purpose of this project is to understand how KMC and newborn care practices have changed during the Covid-19 pandemic and to come up with possible solutions that can help guide policies and practice.


Why have I been chosen?

We are inviting all stakeholders responsible for the care and wellbeing of LBW babies, including health care professional, policy makers and community health workers.


Do I have to take part?

It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you decide not to take part, we thank you for your time. You may close the survey.


What will happen to me if I take part?

If you decide to take part, please indicate in the form that you consent to the survey and proceed to answer the questionnaire. This questionnaire contains questions related to the routine care practices for small and sick babies you and/or your institution were implementing before and how they have been disrupted during the Covid-19 pandemic. We are also looking at possible solutions that can counteract the indirect effects the Covid-19 pandemic is having on the care of small and sick newborns. This survey should take around 20 minutes to answer.


What are the possible benefits of taking part?

Whilst there are no immediate benefits for those people participating in the project, it is hoped that this work will contribute to find immediate solutions to guide policies and guidelines for the care of small and sick newborns during the current Covid-19 pandemic. We do not foresee any disadvantage or risk coming from your participation.


Will my taking part in this project be kept confidential?

All the information that we collect about you during the course of the research will be kept strictly confidential and stored in an encrypted and password protected folder, with an unique identification number. You will not be identifiable in any ensuing reports or publications.


What will happen to the results of the research project?

The results of the study will be disseminated in academic articles in peer-reviewed journals, and for additional or subsequent research within the same research group. If you wish, we can share a copy of the published results once the research is published.


Who is organising and funding the research?

A group of collaborators who have previous experience with KMC research have come together to do this study. This study has no funding.


Thank you for reading this information sheet and for considering taking part in this research study.

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